Monday, January 3, 2011

7 Days of Impatience.

      I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that the first few days of the New Year have been treating you well! My mother gave me one of those wonderful super-absorbant/speedy-drying towels for Christmas and I am so excited to use it. Also, I did a trial pack and everything fits pretty well in my backpack!
       As much as I love Winter in the Northwest, I am also very excited for the 90' weather in Belize! I fly out Monday Night from Seatac to Houston and then to Belize City where I will take a smaller Airplane to Ambergris Caye (San Pedro) and arrive at the Base somewhere around 1:00pm the next day. Prayers for safe travels for me and the other students that day would be appreciated. I am blessed to announce that I have enough funds to pay the second fee for my lecture phase due on the 11th. I do however still need to pay for my Outreach by the middle of February. I know it will be somewhere between $1,275 and $3,275 (depending on which country we decide to travel to). If you feel led to support me financially, I am accepting checks VIA mail (made out to my name and sent to 2205 Henry St. Bellingham, WA 98225) or through PayPal (see "donate" button on right side of page). Absolutely anything helps and I will still be accepting donations even after I leave the states. This trip would not be possible without all of your support and I thank everyone for all of the donations and encouragement I have been recieveing. God is good!

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