Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Adventure Begins!

 After 4 different flights, and one water taxi ride... I finally made it to Belize! I couldn't have made it here without all of your help and I am greatly appreciative!! It feels like a sauna here and the water is so warm! I love the other students here too. This is a smaller school with only 15 students total (diving and sailing) and 7 in my program which are all girls!! How fun, right? We each got settled into our own little rooms with two beds and our own bathrooms and my roomate's name is Lucilla and she has lived her whole life in San Pedro just 5 miles down the coast! I am constantly asking her so many questions and showing her my bugbites and asking her if I have Malaria... she's great :) This first week is orientation week so we are learning about the acedemic requirements and regulations of the DTS and I am so excited for it all to really begin! More to come later, but I am limited on my internet time when at the base, but I will probably use one of the computers at an internet cafe in town sometime later this weekend. Hope you all are doing well. Miss you already!


  1. Hey Echo
    glad you are settling in. Have you guys gotten to dive yet or is it all orientation? Greet Cam and his parents for us. Look forward to hearing how things are



  2. YAy! i am so excited for you, thanks for keeping us posted. Can't wait to hear all about your up coming adventures.
    thinking and praying for you daily
    love you

  3. hey hope u like the new roomate lucilla and i hope belize is rlly great! most be awesome over there and your gonna have a awesome adventure and see ya later in the future
    -love ya from violet! :D :P
